There are so many advertisements on the radio and television regarding vehicle insurance. Each company claims that they have the lowest rates or that they will beat the rate of the major competitors. It is important to make sure that when you are seeking out an insurance policy that you are comparing coverage that is the same from company to company.
My daughter and her husband went through several companies with price comparisons. They went with a company that offered very low premiums, but when they made car accident claims they found that they had a very high deductible and that they did not have any support services, such as rental cars or towing. Also the car accident claims were dealt with by a contracted worker because the insurance company did not have a local office. This meant that the contracted worker looked at the vehicle and then sent his adjustments to the company. The company then got back to my daughter and son-in-law. The adjuster had missed a few things so the process had to be repeated, which added additional time to getting the car accident claims straightened out.
My daughter and her husband feel that they made bad decisions in choosing their insurance. The low premiums were great, but when they needed the insurance they found that the rates were low because they had given up many things from their old insurance. Many of the companies advertise that they will give you a quote in five minutes; however this quote does not take into consideration your personal driving record. This means that the first quote given to your is not necessarily the amount that your premium will be. Make sure that you ask for written comparisons of what each insurance covers and also check to make sure that there are local agents that are available to process car accident claims. We have found that when you compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges most of the companies are similarly priced. The low estimates that are given at the time of a comparison quote are stripped down coverage. As you add in coverage and services the premiums go up. When doing comparisons it is important to know what you have, what you need and what the new company is offering for the premium. This will help you avoid surprises when car accident claims are filed. By asking for the comparisons in writing it is easier to look at the cost of coverage and make a more informed decision.