Saturday, May 3, 2008

Motor Trade Insurance Services

Motor Trade Car Insurance

In the automotive industry, a motor trader is always searching for the best insurance for their money. A genuine insurance deal for most people would be the comfort of low premiums with effective coverage. Experts of the United Kingdom Motor Trade Insurance companies are invaluable and available to offer you such services. Motor Trade Car Insurance can provide a variety of options and excellent premiums.

A team of experts will validate and confirm any specific details of your particular needs prior to becoming a policyholder. Companies that are willing to grant you Motor Trade Car Insurance base your price estimates on certain criteria that best fits your situation. The insurance is a fully independent resource that guarantees the latest competitive insurance quotes.

These quotes are also available for classic or historic vehicles as well as collectible, sports or hot rod and performance cars. Although Motor Trade Car Insurance policies do not award coverage for the cars that are used for racing, pace making reliability or speed listing, they do reward Motor Trade safe drivers with special premiums. Cars may be used for social, domestic and pleasure purposes (including commuting), in addition to the connection with business or profession of the policyholder and authorized drivers. However, the policy does prohibit the connection with Motor Trade if the car is designated for soliciting of orders in renting out for the carriage of goods or passengers for hire or reward; to include such business trips. In essence, automobile insurance will remain applicable under the Motor Trade Insurance if these terms are met.

Under the Motor Trader Car Insurance policy, quotes are generally based on the following criteria. The potential insured must be between the ages of 21- 70 years old. The candidate must have resided in the United Kingdom for more than one year. The policyholder must have owned a United Kingdom driver's license for more than one year without any convictions or charges of a criminal offense. The insured cannot have any motoring claims or convictions within the last five years to include Motor Insurance cancellations. All potential policyholders must not be involved in importing or exporting vehicles. In addition, you or your Motor Trade business cannot specialize in selling, repairing, servicing or restoring any of your cars. These vehicles may include sports or high performance cars, veteran, vintage or classic cars or light commercial vehicles. Also, to be authorized as a Motor Car Insurance policyholder, no vehicle that is owned by you or your business has been labeled disabled. Furthermore, no vehicle that is in the possession of you or your business can be leased.

These policies are tailored for individual or firms operating in the Motor Trade industry who are in the need of a genuine insurance coverage to protect their personal or business vehicles. These vehicles are authorized to be used on the public roads or parked at the home or trade premises. The insurance allows drivers to operate any motor vehicle under the provisions of the Motor Trade insurance policy. This includes permanently owned vehicles that are specifically used for social, domestic and pleasure purposes only.

Car Accident Claims

There are so many advertisements on the radio and television regarding vehicle insurance. Each company claims that they have the lowest rates or that they will beat the rate of the major competitors. It is important to make sure that when you are seeking out an insurance policy that you are comparing coverage that is the same from company to company.

My daughter and her husband went through several companies with price comparisons. They went with a company that offered very low premiums, but when they made car accident claims they found that they had a very high deductible and that they did not have any support services, such as rental cars or towing. Also the car accident claims were dealt with by a contracted worker because the insurance company did not have a local office. This meant that the contracted worker looked at the vehicle and then sent his adjustments to the company. The company then got back to my daughter and son-in-law. The adjuster had missed a few things so the process had to be repeated, which added additional time to getting the car accident claims straightened out.

My daughter and her husband feel that they made bad decisions in choosing their insurance. The low premiums were great, but when they needed the insurance they found that the rates were low because they had given up many things from their old insurance. Many of the companies advertise that they will give you a quote in five minutes; however this quote does not take into consideration your personal driving record. This means that the first quote given to your is not necessarily the amount that your premium will be. Make sure that you ask for written comparisons of what each insurance covers and also check to make sure that there are local agents that are available to process car accident claims. We have found that when you compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges most of the companies are similarly priced. The low estimates that are given at the time of a comparison quote are stripped down coverage. As you add in coverage and services the premiums go up. When doing comparisons it is important to know what you have, what you need and what the new company is offering for the premium. This will help you avoid surprises when car accident claims are filed. By asking for the comparisons in writing it is easier to look at the cost of coverage and make a more informed decision.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Accident investigator

Let us say (god forbid this ever happens to you in your lifetime) that you are involved in an automobile accident. Now, in the best of scenarios, the parties involved tend to blame each other. And the blame game gets more and more serious in direct proportion to the seriousness of the accident. But in a really bad accident, one in which there is loss of limb or worse, mere mortals can barely be expected to cope. Of course the police and the paramedics will be called in. But there is probably someone who is more important especially after the immediate concerns are taken care of. This is an accident investigator.

An accident investigator, despite the similar sounding name is a rather tame professional who works in a rather tame industry. An accident investigator works in the insurance industry. Now you know why they are important! But jokes apart, if the accident you are involved in is a serious one, then you will need the services of these accident investigators. For unless they certify that the cause of the accident is not you or your carelessness, you can kiss any hopes of ever getting your hands on the insurance money goodbye.

An accident investigator is exceptionally critical in cases involving newer vehicles. This is because newer vehicles typically are worth more and have paid up very little insurance premium. And then there are the nefarious sorts of people who try and commit insurance fraud and nearly all of them fake accidents with newer vehicles. Hence it is almost always a norm for all accidents involving newer vehicles to have an accident investigator assigned to them. And finally, there are cases where vehicles have been stolen. This is the kind of situation where the accident investigator is at his or her finest. For this is when they are called to play a dual role. They essay their normal roles of accident investigators and play the role of criminal sleuths as well.

It is difficult to characterize of classify an accident investigator. After all, there are as many types of accident investigators as there are accident investigators. But one thing is for certain. When you are in a tight spot and need some quick and efficient resolution of an accident (and hopefully that money to get you your next set of wheels!) call on an accident investigator. Otherwise, avoid them and hope you never need their services!

Car Accidents

Car Accidents

Whenever there is a plane or train crash or a ferry disaster, it's headline news. Car accidents are not treated in the same way and they are just taken for granted as a part of life. The vast majority of accidents are the result of human error and perhaps they shouldn't be called accidents at all. They ruin lives and increase insurance premiums.

It shouldn't be a question of money but people who can afford the more expensive cars get more safety features. A lot of car owners do have air bags and they have saved many lives. Any innovation on safety should be a standard component in a vehicle, not an extra, accessible to the few.

Alcohol and both prescription and recreational drugs are a big factor in car accidents. Even a small amount of alcohol can impact on the reactions and judgment of the driver. Drugs such as cannabis stay in the body for a long time and this is a little talked about problem. People who party at night get up the next morning and get behind the wheel, not realizing that alcohol or drugs are still in their system. Many car accidents are caused by drivers incorrectly thinking that they are sober.

Tiredness is another problem, with people becoming drowsy and falling asleep at the wheel. The advice is to pull over and have a break, perhaps call in and grab a coffee somewhere. Whilst driving, avoid car accidents by staying alert and have the window down to allow fresh air to circulate. Turn the radio on for something to stimulate the mind. Car owners who have air fresheners in the car should have the kind that keeps them awake and not the scents that are designed to relax. There are rules governing the number of hours that commercial drivers are allowed to continuously drive but everyone knows that some of their employers put a lot of pressure on them to meet deadlines.

One of the worst accidents in the UK was when a car going along the motorway inexplicably swerved to the left, crashed through a barrier and went down the slope onto the railway track. The driver managed to get out and was calling for help when an oncoming train hit the car at high speed. Many passengers were killed and injured and the car driver was jailed for several years. His defense stated that there had been something mechanically wrong with his car but there was no evidence for this. However, it came out in court that the man had stayed up all night and was driving, having had no sleep. It was concluded that he must have fallen asleep momentarily and lost control of the vehicle. Everyone thinks that these sorts of car accidents won't happen to them but it only takes a second for their life to spiral out of control.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Types Of Auto Insurances For Customers

Purchasing auto insurance can be a big decision for some consumers, especially with each individual state having their own minimum insurance requirements that they mandate vehicle owners have in order to legally drive their car. Prior to purchasing any type of automobile insurance it's important to know the various types of auto insurance services and coverage available from the insurance providers.

At a minimum every state requires all vehicle drivers to be insured with liability insurance. Basically, liability insurance covers the expenses that occur if you cause an accident and destroy someone else's car or auto. Liability insurance doesn’t pay for any damage that your automobile sustains in an accident that you cause. Almost every financial lender or loan provider will require a consumer to have full auto insurance coverage instead of just liability insurance in order to preserve the value of their loan against a new or used car that is financed by the bank.

Property damage is the amount of insurance needed to pay for repairs or damages to another motorist's vehicle if you are the root cause of an accident. This is one portion of the minimum required liability insurance as mandated by the individual states. Without this insurance the consumer responsible for the accident would be held accountable to pay for any damages or financial liabilities as a result of the accident. With the price of today's automobiles this could prove to be financially disastrous which is why every state requires a minimum amount of property damage coverage.

Personal injury protection is insurance coverage that pays for a percentage of any medical bills as a result of hospitalization or medical treatment received. It also provides some assistance with wages that are lost as a result of the accident and some death benefits.

Uninsured motorist insurance coverage provides relief to you in case you are involved in an accident without being at fault and the other driver has no car insurance coverage. Although every state requires a minimum amount of liability insurance there are still many drivers that don’t carry or have any auto insurance making this form of insurance almost a necessity in order to give you some peace of mind while driving on the road.

Comprehensive and collision coverage are additional types of insurance coverage that fall under the full coverage umbrella. Normally these types of insurance are required by banks and lenders for any consumer vehicle financing they intend to approve. Comprehensive coverage provides for any type of damage to your vehicle to include theft and vandalism. Collision coverage provides insurance coverage for your vehicle or car if you are found at fault in an accident. In most cases the cash value (as determined by the insurance institution, provider or company) of your vehicle is paid if a total loss of the automobile occurs as a result of the accident.

Finally, bodily injury is another of the minimum required insurance services (under the liability insurance umbrella) required by the states in order to legally drive your car. This insurance provides coverage against medical bills that are a result of an accident that you are found liable for as causing.

Understanding the many different types of auto insurance will help you find the auto insurance coverage you need at a price you can afford thereby allowing you to legally drive in the state you currently reside in.

Insurance Services Connected To Customers Through SMS

Insurance services - Creating differentiation!

With large number of insurance companies targeting the same set of consumers, it is important for an insurance company/agent to differentiate from the pack by providing hassle free services to the consumers.

In wake of stiff competition and higher pressure on the existing resources in the insurance industry it is important to adopt newer technologies which make the operations more efficient and cost effective.

Why Mobile Messaging becomes crucial in Insurance Services?

Insurance Companies

Mobile messaging enables Insurance companies generate higher leads using short-code services and empowers the sales force with 2-way communication ability.

Insurance Agents

Mobilemessaging enables Insurance Agents to send timely reminders about policy renewal and premium payments, and hence benefit them in terms of higher commissions.


Mobile messaging helps the TPAs to optimize the usage of resources by enabling faster claims processing and in minimizing the cost of operations.

Bouquet of mobile messaging services


· Reminders on bouncing of premium cheques

· Alerts on status of claims processing

· Reminders of due premium payment to customers

· Customers can query status of claims processing

· Missing information in the registration form can be taken over the SMS

· Customers can log on their complaints using short-code/long-code services

Sales Force Automation

· Weekly updates of targets to field sales force

· Lead distribution to sales force

· Sales agent can query the performance of his/her peers

· Performance review/update of the sales force


· Alerts for renewal of policy

· Alerts on the launch of new product/promotions

· Targeted promotions depending on the customer profitability

· Sending in birthday reminders to customers

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cheaper Motorcycle Insurance Policy Available

A car is all very good and nice. But a motorcycle is always a cheaper and more entertaining option. But because you are spending quite a lot of money on it, always make sure that your motorcycle is insured. Ensure that you have the liability insurance - which is a legal compulsion to help others if an accident occurs. But, don't forget to protect your own self by insuring the bike against robbery, damage and accidents. Here are some methods you might adopt to find the right insurance for your bike:-

• Look around

Never go along with the very first scheme that you might come across. There is sure to be a more profitable scheme somewhere else. Make sure that you put in a lot of research, because at the end of the day, it is you who will reap the benefits of a lower rate of insurance. Surfing the net is a good way to collect information. Contact the provider to sort out the details of any scheme you might find interesting. But remember to get everything in black and white. A verbal assurance over the phone does not mean anything really.

• Motorcycle Insurance Discounts

The longer and safer you drive, the more are your chances of obtaining a lower rate of premium. Sometimes, you might also be offered lower rate schemes if you take up defensive rising or training programs. Some other methods of getting a discount on the premium are:-

1. Supplementing your existing insurance policies (like householder's policy) with the motorcycle insurance policy.

2. When you purchase a bike, always consider the safety of the bike before you get into the fancy looks department. Almost all major insurance companies cover only the costs of basic factory components of a bike.

3. A popular brand helps you in getting a lower premium. That is because spare parts of a bike from a well-known company are readily available in the market.

4. Take care of your bike's safety against robbery. Use good locks and always keep it in a safe place or garage at nights.

5. In the northern parts of the country there exist an idea called the 'lay up'. This means that during winter some parts of the insurance policy are not considered.

6. Being a member of a state or national motorcycle organizations gives you benefits as well. It ensures that you get lower premium rates almost all the time.

• Your Bike's Value

The main thing to consider is to not splurge on your bike's insurance. Remember that even expensive insurance policies will not give you more than your bike's worth in case of any calamity. Also, when you calculate and figure out how much you have to pay at the end of the day, do not forget to take into account the depreciation of money. Remember to add any extra improvisations you might have done on your bike. Take pictures so that, if need arises, you have a concrete proof of the condition of your bike.

• Safety

Last but not the least, please drive safely. An unblemished driving record will not only protect you from bodily harm, it might also ensure a dip in your rates of insurance. The ideal situation would be to have insurance but to not have to use it. So set your mind free of worries with the right kind of insurance and ride safe to enjoy many wonderful miles on your prized motorcycle.

Consultion And Suggestion Of Boat Insurance Policies

There are various types of insurance policies available to get the coverage according to the usages. You must have to select the policy after consulting the insurance adviser or agent to give suggestion of the policy based on your usage. There are many other factors responsible for the insurance are your budget, types of coverage, condition of the boat etc. Apart from the normal policy many additional coverage given by the insurance company to secure the boat from the possible threats. There are different types of coverage available, which includes physical damage, liability, and medical coverage etc.

The policy gives protection against boat, motor, equipments and trailer. You get coverage at the time of induction, boating, hauling. The physical policy will protect you from various threats like fire, theft, damage, cyclone, sleet, lightening, and explosion etc. If your boat operated by authorized third person, it will also cover under the physical policy. If you need any emergency services the physical damage policy give you coverage for towing, repair while breakdown. If you get physical damage the policy give you 5 percent of physical damage. The policy gives you boat equipment coverage 10 percent. If you need to repair the boat it will also give coverage limited losses. Finally you are free to select the deductibles as per your need.

The liability coverage provides liability coming out of the boat ownership. The liability coverage gives protection if boat owner or member of the family injured any third person in the accident. In all state, the liability policy gives coverage if your boat cullied and damages some other boat.

The medical insurance give protection against the require medical expenses in case of injury occurs due to accident. Under medical insurance the boat owner and passengers are covered.